


Act 1 E10: Blood and Betrayal

Episode Introduction

Guardians! Your selfless efforts continue to provide us with tremendous opportunities! Lords Aurel and Bellisente Freykelgrim of Wintervaeld--whose lives you saved at the Feast of Autumn--have requested to meet with you to forge an alliance against our common enemies. And what’s more, they have implied they have a spy within House Vaarelixian itself! A dangerous game is afoot, certainly, but you are more than ready for this challenge. Meet with the Freykelgrims and secure a treaty against House Vaarelixian and the Coven of Zul--but be on your guard! You’ve dealt with devils, but there is no measuring the scope of treachery amongst nobility!




Episode Recap

With the evil of the Coven of Zul revealed in full during their failed attack on the Wintervaeldian nobility, several noble houses offered their support to the Mortal Guardians. One of these houses belongs to Lady Helagarde Tanrevahla--the very daughter of Lord Durevant Vaarelixian! With Helagarde's backing and her cooperation against her father, the Guardians organized a strike against his summer estate at Red Dragon Falls in the foothills of the Sword Mountains. There, the brave heroes carved a path through the grounds and breached a temple of Tyr which had been converted into a vile sanctuary for the mad necromancer, Eryaphos Annokrates. Following a fierce battle, the Guardians destroyed Annokrates and captured valuable evidence against both the Coven of Zul and House Vaarelixian--though the demise of Annokrates suggests that death may not be his final demise. With the materials in hand, the Guardians gained the crucial support of the noble houses--and consequently the right to fight back against House Vaarelixian without the threat of broad reprisal in Wintervaeld.

Act 1 E11: The Last Curtain, Part 1

Act 1 E09: The Coven Unveiled