


Act 1 E06: Through the Darkest Door

Episode Introduction

The shadows of war descend upon us, Guardians! We’ve been attacked at the heart of our organization--right here at home in Waterdeep! Agents of the Coven of Zul and the nefarious Conductor infiltrated our headquarters and struck at us directly! Hurry back and save as many as you can! Then without hesitation pursue those who did us wrong and bring them to justice. We must stop these monsters before they escape or hurt anyone else!




Episode Recap

Attacked within their very headquarters, the brave Mortal Guardians repelled the attempted assassination of many of their members--which in turn was revealed to have been a cruel trap planned by the Coven of Zul. Luring several Guardians into the courtyard, denizens of the coven and the Vaarelixian noble family opened an immensely powerful rift to unleash its dark and fell energies on our friends. Pulled in by the surging tide, several Guardians were thrown through the veil between life and death and into the desolate landscape of the Plane of Shadow where they witnessed the nature of the horror behind the rift crisis: an immeasurable melding of Far Realm monstrosity and deathly menace taking the form of countless towers with rifts at their pinnacles. Upon one such tower, the vigilant Guardians battled relentless and bizarre voidriven ghouls and a malevolent Voidheart Darkcaster--beings twisted and warped by the power of the rifts. Aided by the strange, curious being known as Vex, the group of Mortal Guardians ascended the tower and defeated the darkcaster--thereby closing the rift and sending them back home safe at last!

Act 1 E07: Path of Shadows

Act 1 E05: Daring in Defiance